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CT Jobs Projected to Grow 1.6 Percent Through First Half Of 2025

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Katherine Revello, CT Inside Investigator

According to short-term projections for employment from the State’s Department of Labor (DOL), Connecticut will add nearly 300,000 new jobs through the second quarter of 2025. Overall employment is projected to rise by 1.6 percent across the same time period. The DOL’s Office of Research annually produces short-term employment projections by industry and occupation. According to the DOL, the industries driving the increase in jobs include health care, educational services, manufacturing, and transportation and warehousing.

The goods-producing sector is projected to grow by 2.1 percent over the next two years, between the second quarter of 2023 and the second quarter of 2025, while the service-providing sector is projected to grow by 1.5 percent. The service-providing sector accounts for 86.6 percent of Connecticut’s industry employment.

According to the DOL, of the 20 industry groups tracked, 16 are projected to have an increase in jobs over two years while four are projected to decline. Health care is expected to drive the largest increase, projected to gain 9,255 jobs by quarter two of 2025. According to the DOL, employment in health care in the state recovered losses driven by the COVID-19 pandemic as of the second quarter of 2023.

In addition, educational services are projected to add 2,954 jobs. Manufacturing is projected to gain 2,787 jobs, and transportation and warehousing is projected to add 2,692 jobs. The wholesale trade, retail trade, information, and finance and insurance industries are projected to experience a decrease in employment through the second quarter of 2025. The information industry is projected to experience the biggest decline, of 2.7 percent. The finance industry is expected to decline by 1.9 percent.

According to the DOL, Connecticut’s 1.6 percent rate of projected job growth by the second quarter of 2025 is slower than it has been in previous years, including 2021, 2022, and 2023. This is a result of employment returning to pre-COVID-19 levels after steep losses that occurred during the first half of 2020. The 1.6 percent projection suggest “that the state will continue this growth at a rate more in-line with longer-term trends.” the DOL noted.

This article was originally published on Connecticut Inside Investigator.