Inland Wetlands and Water Courses Commission Meetings
Inland Wetlands and Water Courses Commission 7/11/24
All members present as was enforcement Officer
Kurt Krotz, 124 Sandy Beach Road, Excavation and earthwork in the upland regulated area and tear down and replace existing dwelling: Jason Dismukes, Civil Engineer, presented revised site plan with new rip rap on Krotz’s property. Gray water discharge problem was resolved using holding tank. New soil pit will be constructed. Dismukes satisfied all Chairman Stansfield’s initial concerns. Application approved unanimously.
Jessie Hertzberg, 36 East Hyerdale Drive, Renovation of existing home, increase surface area of driveway, additional stormwater management. Brian Baker represented Hertzberg. Ian Cole flagged wetlands as requested. Wetlands found on the north side of the property. Baker discussed the usage of trench drain, catch basin and a water infiltration system that assists with runoff decreasing water runoff into the lake. Enforcement Officer, Spencer Musselman, agreed with plan that it will minimize any impact to wetlands. He did a site visit to the property. Application approved unanimously.
New Business:
William Colby for Craig Simmons, Turkey Hollow Lane, Lot 016, Development of property within the upland regulated area with a single-family home, detached barn, onsite septic system, well and driveway. Musselman reviewed the application and completed a site visit. It is a very wooded lot with an old structure. In Colby’s absence, the Commissioners voted unanimously to accept the application and allow Colby to present at the next meeting.
William Colby for Richard and Kim Delaurie, Hageman Shean Road Lot 00900, Development of building lot with single family home, septic, driveway: Musselman reviewed the application but did not do a site visit. A portion of the house is in the wetlands review area and Commissioners questioned if it could be moved out of that area. The map was reviewed. Next meeting there will be discussion of the location of the house. Unanimous vote by commissioners to accept application.
Inland Wetlands and Water Courses Commission 8/1/24
All members present except excused member Dante Malanca. Enforcement Officer present.
Old Business
William Colby P. E. Presented for Craig Simmons, Turkey Hollow Lane, Lot 016, Development of property within the upland regulated area with a single-family home, detached barn, onsite septic system, well and driveway. This is 20 wooden acres of undeveloped property with significant wetlands. All wetlands have been flagged. However, there will not be significant wetland disturbance except for septic. There are no other options for septic location. The 4-bedroom home would be built 40 feet from the wetland line. Discussion included finding a better location for the build, but the final recommendation was that moving it in any direction had minimal impact. Hay bales were requested in addition to silt fencing for erosion control. Enforcement Officer Spencer Musselman completed a site visit, but it was difficult to observe anything. The property was recently purchased by Noriega Builders. A motion was made to grant a permit for the Turkey Hollow Lane application, it was unanimously approved.
William Colby P. E. Presented for Richard and Kim Delaurie, Hageman Shean Road Lot 00900, Development of building lot with single family home, septic, well, driveway: Colby revised original submission based on some concerns raised at the July IWWC meeting. A portion of the house is in the wetlands review area. The wetlands were flagged. The location of the home could move marginally but the grade is steep with very large boulders that are challenging to move. There is some wiggle room to move location but after looking at alternatives and a brief discussion the location will remain as is. The Commissioners voted unanimously to approve the application.
Inland Wetlands Enforcement Officers Report: Enforcement Officer Musselman visited both sites presented tonight for Old Business. A third application was received but he requested it wait until the next IWWC meeting as there is a stream behind the house. Spencer issued 2 permits from last month’s meeting. Commissioner Stilson asked Spencer to look at the silt fence (erosion control) at one of the properties North of the Pease property. The Enforcement Report was unanimously accepted.