Inland Wetlands And Watercourses Commission
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The Inland and Wetlands Commission conducted their recurring monthly meeting on Thursday June 6, 2024, 7:15 PM, at the Goshen Town Hall and via Zoom. Present were Chair Tom Stansfield, Commissioners, Devin Stillson, Dante Malanca and Ray Turri. Enforcement Officer Spenser Musselman was also present.
The May 2nd Minutes were reviewed and unanimously approved by the Commissioners without comment.
Old Business:
Larry Webster for Kevin Budney, 610 North Street applied to relocate an existing pole barn and construct a new accessory building in the area where the existing pole barn is located. A previously requested Wetlands report, and the updated plan were sent but not located prior to the meeting. There is no substantial impact to wetlands and the relocation areas are limited. The commissioners voted unanimously to approve the application.
Karen Bank, 27 West Hyerdale, Lot 209, applied to remove an eroding concrete dock that will be replaced with a removable aluminum dock on 2 precast pillars for attachment purposes. Pictures of the weathered dock were provided. The old concrete block will be removed by hand. The Commissioners voted unanimously to approve the application.
Jason Dismukes PE of Dismukes Engineering represented Kurt Krotz, 124 Sandy Beach Road to excavate and earthwork in the upland regulated area, tear down existing cottage and construct new four-season home. The revised plan and current discussion comprised a sea wall replacing existing rip rap, a grey water discharge from a washing machine, possible stone masonry steps and the location of property lines. Construction details seem okay but Commissioners can’t grant a permit for site work off the applicant’s property. The Commissioners want clarification of property lines and specifics of water locations. What does the deed indicate? Surveys? Washing machine discharge must be discontinued immediately. The application was tabled until next month.
New Business:
Brian Baker PE Site Engineer for Jessee Hertzberg, 36 East Hyerdale Drive for the renovation of existing home, increased surface area of driveway and additional stormwater management. The site plan includes a 4’ addition, bump out of garage, and driveway expansion. A new storm water management system including a trench drain will also be installed. Minimal grading is required. There’s an existing drainage ditch on the property line. A letter from Surveyor indicated there were no wetlands on the site. Commissioners requested that a Soil Scientist report be provided, a full-size site plan, that Enforcement Officer Musselman meet with Brian on-site and confirmation that the stormwater system isn’t impacting any regulated area. The Commissioners voted unanimously to accept the application.
Agent Determination:
Willam Wilcox lll for Peter & Hillari Boritz, 243 West Hyerdale Drive Spenser met with William Wilcox as the homeowner plans to replace a set of rotting stairways approximately 90’ to 100’ from lake.
Krysia Bibro, 84 Wellsford Drive wants to extend a pre-existing drainage pipe at the south side of the property, connect gutter drains and repair an existing swale.
Inland Wetlands Enforcement Officers Report:
Spenser finished an overview of all applications, completed all Commissioner requests, reviewed the 4 permits approved last month and did inspections for 14 Weldon Court, 173 Sherbrook Drive, 233 Wellsford Drive and 134 Sandy Beach Road. The Commissioners voted unanimously to accept the Enforcement Officers Report.
Ray Turri was unanimously elected to fill the open Vice Chair position.
The next Inland Wetlands meeting is scheduled for July 11 as the prior Thursday is the Fourth of July.