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Inland Wetlands & Water Courses Commission

The Goshen News - Staff Photo - Create Article
Ed Dutka

The Inland and Wetlands Commission conducted their recurring monthly meeting on Thursday January 2, 2025, 7:15 PM, at the Goshen Town Hall and via Zoom. Present were Chair Lorraine Lucas, Vice Chair Ray Turri, Commissioners Devin Stilson, Matt Wheeler, Dante Malanca and Adam Andrusia.  Commissioner Andy Savage was excused. Enforcement Officer Spencer Musselman was also present.

There were no public hearings.

Old Business:

Town of Goshen, 38 Torrington Road, map 005, Lot 10500, was represented by Garret Harlow, Public Works Supervisor. The Town is proposing a 5360-storage building to be located within 100’ of upland review area and within 500 sf of direct wetland impact. Renovation work impacts an existing main building within the existing footprint, salt barn, garage, and two shed structures. Garret confirmed modifications to the plan since the December meeting; 1) initial draft of building location was inaccurate, 2) wetland square footage impact is accurate with grading. Enforcement Officer Musselman noted that parking was removed in front of the building. For those not at the prior meeting Garrett completed a quick review of the site plan.   He highlighted the existing structures, new septic system, utility trenching, additional drainage, paved vs non paved areas, electrical service, wetlands area, plumbing for a sink and erosion protection. Excavation and grading are necessary. Materials may be stockpiled. Silt fencing required. Agreement was reached that a public meeting wasn’t necessary as there is no significant activity. The application was unanimously approved by the Commissioners.

New Business: There was no New Business.

Agent Determination: There was none.

Correspondence: Not presented at the meeting or sent to any IWWC member, a letter from Marissa Wright was attached to the minutes by the recipient of the letter, Lori Clinton, Commission Clerk.  The letter in its entirety will be available for viewing on the Goshen News Website after 1/17/25. (

Inland Wetlands Enforcement Officers Report:

Enforcement Officer Musselman referenced tonight’s current application and the monitoring of a few new builds in Woodridge Lake.  He issued 1 permit from the December meeting. The Enforcement Report was unanimously accepted.