Inland Wetlands & Watercourses Commission Meeting

The Inland and Wetlands Commission conducted their recurring monthly meeting on Thursday December 5, 2024, 7:15 PM, at the Goshen Town Hall and via Zoom. Present were Chair Lorraine Lucas, Commissioners Devin Stilson, Andy Savage and Adam Andrusia. Vice Chair Ray Turri, Commissioners Matt Wheeler and Dante Malanca were excused. Enforcement Officer Spencer Musselman was also present.
Old Business:
Michael Leitman, 12 Wynwood Court, Lot 543/544 applied to amend a prior permit to add a 7 X 50 deck to his previously approved pool. Leitman stated that the original application was amended to relocate the pool equipment 10’ from the house for safety reasons and modify the deck to be a touch shorter than the pool. Enforcement Officer Musselman met with the homeowner. The amendment to the application was unanimously approved by the Commissioners.
New Business:
Town of Goshen, 38 Torrington Road, map 005, Lot 10500, was represented by Garret Harlow, Public Works Supervisor. The Town is proposing a 5360 square foot storage building is to be located within 100’ of upland review area and includes 500 square feet of direct wetland impact. Renovation work impacts an existing salt barn, garage, and two shed structures. Two of the four structures will be removed. An open area of an existing building will be enclosed to create two garage bays. Ancillary site work includes a new septic system, utility trenching, paved parking, added driveway areas for employees and visitors, and a seeded lawn. Excavation and grading are necessary. Materials may be stockpiled. Silt fencing is required. Enforcement Officer Musselman will visit the site. The application was unanimously accepted by the Commissioners.
Inland Wetlands Enforcement Officer’s Report:
Enforcement Officer Musselman pointed out the two activities from tonight’s agenda. He issued 4 permits from the prior meeting. The Enforcement Report was unanimously accepted.