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Publisher's Note

The Goshen News - Staff Photo - Create Article
The 3 Most Important Things: Civility, Civility, and Civility

In the stories we’ve been covering over the past few editions of the paper, the erosion of civility has been a major concern.  It’s about how people conduct themselves with neighbors, co-workers, our leaders, and everyone else.  For those who understand its importance comes the great reward of achieving progress by being able to listen politely to others, respond in-kind and have a meaningful exchange of ideas.  Of late, tempers or passions have taken over without due restraint, in some cases, resulting in poor communication, damage to others and currently, even legal repercussions for some. 

Let us keep in mind that there are others watching, particularly in a time when recordings of meetings may endure indefinitely.  Those enduring images can portray civility and progress, or uncontrolled vitriol, abuse and failure.  We can blow up or we can take a breath, gather our thoughts and proceed with our statements, knowing we can make mistakes sometimes in our facts.  They can be corrected.  But the damage to others is not so easy to undo, or the damage caused to your own public image.  For those who choose to express their anger by lashing out the paper, please keep in mind, we only print what is happening, seen and said.  Anger is sometimes understandable, but unless controlled it is self-defeating.  Look at yourself on that meeting video. If your image is not what you would wish it to be, you have the ability to change it.  That change will likely come back to you with kinder thoughts and greater achievements.

Leya L. Edison