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The following is a portion of a letter recently sent to the 1st Selectman

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The following is a portion of a letter recently sent to 1st Selectman Todd Carusillo:

I am writing to express deep disappointment in the decision to again rapidly pursue development of 190 Sharon Turnpike when you had, less than two weeks ago, told the public that you were going to build behind the firehouse. Prior to that you were going to put up storage at the existing public works. Both of those options were favorable to the public. Why would you not complete an unbiased needs assessment and use our existing locations in accordance with the POCD?

Mr. First Selectman, this entire broken process has completely eroded the public trust. The people of Goshen have spoken loud and clear that they want the land protected in perpetuity. Things can still be turned around for the better, but it will take a great deal of integrity and courage.

Sincerely, a deeply saddened member of this community.

Marissa L. Wright
