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Publisher's Note

The Goshen News - Staff Photo -

This is the time of the season when many of us reflect on our lives over the past year and The Goshen News is no exception. It has been a year of striking developments in our towns, our state and our nation, and we at The Goshen News are proud of the in-depth coverage we have provided to a continually expanding number of towns in the Northwest Corner.

Having said that, it is also time to acknowledge the dedicated and talented people who have worked to bring you that coverage. We are lucky and grateful for our staff and volunteers without whom we could not do what we do.  Many of these people are known to their fellow Goshenites, as they are your friends and neighbors in Goshen. Some you probably don’t know, as they live elsewhere; one is even out of state.  Together, they form a cohesive, collegial and capable team that works to present you with an edition every month, no matter what else is going on in their lives. Take a peek at the Masthead to the left, where their names are listed. As you may have noted, more people are joining our staff, enabling us to deliver news from other towns in the Northwest Corner as well as adding more state and national coverage. Our goal remains to help our readers be better informed of the facts so they can make reasoned choices for themselves, and we are dedicated to continually improving upon the content we deliver to help them do that.

As we wish all of you and your families a Joyous Holiday Season and a Healthy and Prosperous New Year, we also have a request. Though the paper is free for your enjoyment, it is not free to produce.  As I speak to many of our readers, I often hear the same notion reiterated: “I keep meaning to contribute, but……(fill in the blank)”.

We need your contributions and your local business advertising, but even more importantly, this is a community paper and contributing to it makes you part of its success. Local news reporting and its contributions to government transparency and accountability are essential to the workings of democracy itself. So please, fulfill that resolution to support The Goshen News during this Holiday Season and help us to continue giving you the latest in politics, science, community events, and more.


Leya L. Edison
