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Publisher’s Note: Candidates Speak to the Electorate

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Leya L. Edison

The Goshen News has undertaken a task unique to papers across the state.  In a joint effort with the Litchfield County League of Women Voters, questions for each race were compiled and reviewed to remove any bias or favoritism. A special thank you goes to Denise Butwill, current President and former President, Bernard Harrrington of the League who were instrumental in making this endeavor possible.

A request was sent out to members of the League and were then amended by the League and The Goshen News to meet the standards set.  The questions are specific to the offices in which candidates are running. Questions for State Representatives, for instance, were different from Congressional Representative’s questions.

In our interviews with the candidates, we intended to ask both candidates in each race the same questions and by the same interviewer, for consistency.  In some cases, the candidate’s response necessitated asking a follow-up question. Also, due to time constraints, one candidate’s interview was cut short, which did not have great impact on the total interview.

It is hoped that these interviews will help the voters in understanding what each candidate brings to the table and what their positions are on topics of the day or of deep significance to the voters.  Due to space constraints, we could not publish the entirety of each candidate’s interview, but they will be available in expanded form on our online site:

In addition, we have included interviews with two other people (Senator Richard Blumenthal and State Democratic Party Chair, Nancy Dinardo) who have been in the political arena for decades and share their views on voters’ and candidates’ responsibilities as well as opinions on important issues.  Ben Proto, State Republican Chair, was interviewed in the 16th edition.

 The concept behind this endeavor is that voters have the right and need to know where the candidates stand on important issues to them, rather than relying on 7-second sound bites and 30-second attack ads on TV and in social media. In the end, the theme is about voting for the future.  What do you want? How do you see the future?  What is the best candidate for you, your community, your country?  We hope this information helps in forming those opinions.  As always, feel free to share your thoughts with us.