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Goshen Garden Club October Meeting - Kathy Ritch

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The Goshen Garden Club will have their monthly meeting on October 3, 2024 at Camp Cochipianee on Beach Street in Goshen.

Guest Speaker will be  Cathy Ritch

Cathy is a gardener, floral designer, instructor and National Garden Clubs (NGC)

Accredited Master Judge. She has been involved with the annual Federated Garden Clubs of Connecticut (FGCCT)  Flower Show in Hartford for several years including as chairperson for three years.  Cathy has won the prestigious Award of Excellence from NGC for creating FGCCT’s   “Beyond Beginning Floral Design” workshops.

Cathy will be discussing and creating floral design pieces at this meeting.  Her creations will be raffled off at the end of the meeting.  The program will begin at  1:00pm and Non-members are welcome at $10 per person.