Planning & Zoning Commission Considers Facility for Vintage and Collectible Cars

Property at 777 North Street/ Goshen News staff photo
Goshen’s Town Planner Janell Mullen heard back from three firms interested in moderating town meetings for discussion of the 2026 revision of the town’s Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD). These firms include the Simsbury-based Planimetrics, the Hartford-based FHI studio, and the United Kingdom-based SLR Corporation. All three firms are registered to work in the state according to the Connecticut State Business website. Planning & Zoning Commission (PZC) Chairman Jon Carroll recommended that Commission members each go online and research what the vendors can provide for the town.
For New Business, Steve Dutton spoke on how he and Charles Mallory are interested in purchasing the 777 North Street property. “... the main use of the property that we would like to achieve is having vintage and collectible automobiles stored there,” Dutton explained. “The stored vehicles would be a combination of our vehicles, Charles and I probably would put 15 to 20 collectible cars in the facility and then, additionally, other members of Lime Rock Group Association, whether it's the drivers club or other folks from Lime Rock Park. But we're all car guys, is what we are, and the property as we see it would remain a private property, there would be no way it would be open to the public.” Lime Rock Park, located in Lakeville, is one of the oldest road racing circuits in North America having first opened in 1957. The Lime Rock Group, LLC has owned and operated the park since April 2021. Mallory is a General Partner of Lime Rock Group. Dutton plans on utilizing the two existing barns on the property and develop it to store cars at a fee, develop a Lime Rock Group members lounge with bathrooms, and the construction of a rental residence on the property for a caretaker. The development of this residence would include the construction of a deck and the paving of the existing dirt driveway. Members would have access to the storage units from 6 am-8 pm. No vehicle repairs or maintenance would be performed on site, but an outdoor car wash is under consideration by Dutton. He expects a maximum of 50 cars to be stored on the property with eight to 24 members expected to utilize the facility. Dutton further noted that some of the members may host small social events at the property, but they won’t sell alcohol at the events unless a caterer has an alcohol permit.
Mullen clarified that, according to Goshen regulations, if this property is going to be recognized as a home business, the person who purchases and owns the property would have to live there to manage the business or have a family member manage it instead. Dutton suggested the property could be recognized as a country club property, but Carroll wanted to take time to research whether or not the property’s facilities meet country club requirements. Carroll additionally suggested the PZC add a driver’s club to their special permitting process. Land Use Enforcement Officer Spencer Musselman recommended Dutton apply for the property to be used as a country club.
Musselman then conducted his ZEO report. New sheds will be built at 108 Weldon Court as well as 12 Birchwood Lane. Musselman will be sending out letters to two properties who installed a horse running shed and built a garage without permits. Shilo Garceau then motioned to approve the ZEO report. This was unanimously approved.