Warm The Children

You can help……
The need is great this year! In Torrington, Winsted and surrounding communities
Just what is the Warm the Children program?
Warm The Children is neighbors helping neighbors.
There are no administrative fees; all donated money is used to buy warm winter wear.
How are families with children in need identified?
Children/families in need are identified by the Vogel Family Resource Center, the Salvation Army in Winsted, Winsted Area Child Care, FISH of Northwestern Connecticut, Susan B Anthony Project, Pleasant Valley Children’s Center, and Canaan Child Care Center. Each provides family contact information to the Warm the Children Committee coordinator.
How will the children’s clothing be purchased?
The Warm the Children coordinator assigns families to a volunteer shopper who meets the families at Walmart and assists in selecting up to $80 (age 4 and under up to $60) in winter clothing and footwear for each child. Walmart bills Warm the Children for all purchased items.
How can I help? Your donation of any amount is appreciated.
On-line – using PayPal go to northwestunitedway.org, select donate, and under “Donor Designation,” Select “Warm The Children.”
By mail - simply write your check addressed to “United Way” with memo “Warm The Children”
and mail to PO Box 1001, Torrington, CT 06790. All donations are tax deductible. Revised 10/2024
Name __________________________________________________________________________________
Email: ________________________________________ Donation amount: __________
Special Instructions: _________________________________________________________
___ Do not publish my name in the list of donors
Donations are Tax deductible.
Please make check payable to:
“United Way” with memo “Warm The Children”
Mail to: Warm the Children
PO Box 1001, Torrington, CT 06790